Sunday, December 21, 2008

The High Cost of Living

You know what really makes me mad?
It's not the price of a new car, or quality clothes...
It's not my heating or electric bill...
It's not the price of gasoline (but this does make me sad), or groceries...
It's the price of toilet paper that really pisses me off!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Guests for the Holidays

A good reason to invite friends over for the holidays

is that it forces you to really clean the house

The only problem is that it doesn't give you enough time to clean yourself

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

Thanks Jackie for forwarding me this quote.
I'm embarrassed to say that in my younger days---whenever I encountered a rude person, I made it my business to be just as rude back to them.
I now make a point to be especially kind to rude people as I don't believe that their intent is to be unkind. Maybe they are just having a bad day...and in my own little way I can
make their day better or worse....
Louise June Miller

Sunday, December 7, 2008

How to initiate divorce

If you are in a bad relationship and want are some proven ways to help speed the process of getting a divorce.

Always drink directly from the milk carton
Leave milk in the cabinet several days before refrigerating

Always leave the toilet seat in the up position and never flush. Better yet --- remove the toilet seat.
Decorate the bathroom in all pink including a fluffy pink toilet seat cover.

Never fill up the ice cube trays.
Season the ice with cayenne pepper.

Do you wife's laundry and use lots of bleach.
Wash your husband’s white briefs with all your reds.

Drink a lot
Drink his beer.

If you don’t smoke. Start.
Stop brushing your teeth.

When not smoking…chew tobacco

Eat lots of garlic

Start snoring. If you already snore…snore louder.
Wear flannel pjs and curlers to bed.

Invite the dog to bed.
Hog the sheets.

Quit mowing the grass.
Quit paying the bills

Quit taking out the trash.
Quit cleaning the house

Pick your nose
Bite your nails and then eat them

Leave the newspaper scattered all over the floor.
Throw away the sports section.
Anyone who knows me, is aware that I believe in the sanctity of marriage. This list was generated by my husband and myself. He came up with the male perspective, of course. We had a good laugh putting this list together.
Remember in a marriage you need to be full of forgiveness, encouragement and love.
And trying to keep your bad habits to a minimum.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Good Shoes

Expensive shoes can hurt your feet
as well as cheap shoes,

but they last longer...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Quote On Intent

"Be careful how you judge others...As Scottish author J.M. Barrie said, 'Never ascribe to an opponent motives meaner than your own...' We tend to judge others based on their behavior, and ourselves based on our intent. In almost all situations, we would do well to recognize the possibility - even probability - of good intent in others...sometimes despite their observable behavior."

-Stephen M.R. Covey in The Speed of Trust (Free Press)