Saturday, January 3, 2009

This is the funniest video-reminds me of my cat

Being Negative

If you ask a negative question --- you will get a negative answer.
So be's just easier in the long run.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

2009 Resolutions
  1. Be nice to telemarketers. I think it was on a Seinfeld episode that Jerry said to a telemarketer "Give me your home number and I will call you back when it's convenient for me to talk." I thought it was so funny that I used that line several times when I got called during dinner. But this year, I'm going to be kinder. These people are usually low paid, hard-working, just doing their job. I can imagine that the majority of people they call --- are not nice. (Side note: Be nice to all people in the service industry.)

  2. Listen more carefully when my husband is talking. Be fully present.

  3. Be healthier--- stop over indulging in food and drink.

  4. Have more fun.

  5. Wear a bikini. (Just kidding---this is ridiculous!)